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Recordbase experts

Tūtohi know the sector inside and out .... and we know Recordbase inside and out.

As the team responsible for designing and building the data architecture of the Recordbase reporting database, Tūtohi are experts in the nuance of Recordbase data and in the complexity of the tāngata journeys that your Recordbase data represents.

Tūtohi, are the data services team within Wild Bamboo, and are the team behind several sector analytics platforms.
They specialise in transforming data into engaging dashboards, visualisations and infographics. Tūtohi can help you lift the data out of Recordbase and shine a light on the impact you make.

Trusted by the sector, delivering data for you

Data partnerships with Recordbase customers come in many shapes and sizes, depending on what best fits an individual organisation, but one common approach is to keep a Tūtohi data expert on retainer. Within a retainer agreement, you effectively gain an extra part-time member of your team, one who is intimately familiar with both the Recordbase data schema and your sector. This "additional team member" can be used in many ways, depending on your goals and requirements.

From ad-hoc reporting or help to use the data you hold in Recordbase to showcase the impact you make in creative ways from funding pitches, annual reports, presentations or to 'making a point' through advocacy, then we can help there too.

We love seeing Recordbase data being lifted out of the database and used to drive insights and change.

If we can support in any way – even just to bounce ideas off – talk to us today!

Trusted by the sector

Outside of their work with Recordbase, the Tūtohi team are trusted across the community sector for their data expertise. The Ministry of Health relies on their work with the national PRIMHD dataset to provide official quarterly reporting figures for DHB performance monitoring returns, and the Covid-19 online data platform created by Tūtohi has been endorsed by Platform Trust, Equally Well, Whāriki and Te Pou, among others.

Data to inform continuous improvement

As the technical partners for the Mental Health and Addiction KPI Programme, Tūtohi developed a suite of interactive dashboards for key performance indicators across the sector, supporting the programme in its mission to use benchmarking to drive continuous improvement and equitable health outcomes for tāngata whai ora, whānau and communities. Find out more

Data to create change

Tūtohi's data visualisations of the COVID-19 vaccination rollout for tāngata whai ora were referenced in the New Zealand Medical Journal, the New Zealand Drug Foundation’s State of the Nation 2022, the New Zealand Herald, and by both the COVID-19 Science, Surveillance and Insights and Equity and Community Engagement teams at the Ministry of Health.

Additionally, the work was recommended as a resource by the Mental Health Foundation and the Chief Advisor for Māori Mental Health and Addiction at the Ministry of Health, as well as by Nōku Te Ao Like Minds.

Find out more
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Shine a light on the impact you make

Get in touch for a kōrero on how we can help you unlock the metrics that matter.